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Be the Change: Volunteer with M4C Foundation

Empowering Girls, Transforming Communities

Your time and skills can transform lives and shape futures. Join us in our mission to empower girls and change communities.

Why Your Help Matters

Volunteer hours contributed last year
0 +
Girls directly impacted by volunteers
0 +
Community projects completed

Where Your Money Goes: Direct Impact, Real Change

At M4C Foundation, we believe in boots on the ground, not just words on paper. Here’s how we’re making every dollar count:

Sakina Home

Providing 24/7 care, education, and love to orphaned girls

Ruby Campaign

Distributing sanitary supplies and breaking the taboo around menstrual health

Leadership Academy

Equipping girls with the skills to become tomorrow's leaders

AfriGirl Project

Connecting and empowering young African women across the continent

Ready to Make a Difference? Here's How

Act Now: Your Support is Urgently Needed

The need is immediate, and the impact of your gift is profound:

One-Time Donation: Immediate Impact

Your gift today can be the lifeline a girl desperately needs:

  • $50 – Keeps a girl in school for a month, breaking the cycle of poverty
  • $100 – Provides a year’s worth of sanitary supplies, ensuring dignity and continued education
  • $500 – Sponsors comprehensive care for an orphaned girl at Sakina Home for six months
  • $1,000 – Funds a girl’s participation in our transformative Leadership Academy

Monthly Giving: Sustained Transformation

Breaking down the support for Sakina

Monthly food cost us $30

Cleaning services $15 Amount

Security service $25

Clean water $7

Electricity $5

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need special qualifications to volunteer?
While some roles may require specific skills, many don’t. The most important qualifications are passion, commitment, and a desire to make a difference.
Absolutely! Many of our roles, like mentoring and tutoring, can be done virtually from anywhere in the world.
It varies by role, but we have opportunities ranging from a few hours a month to several hours a week. We appreciate any time you can give!
Yes, all volunteers receive an orientation and role-specific training to ensure you’re well-prepared to make an impact.

Want To Volunteer?

Take the First Step: Apply Now

Join Us in Shaping Futures

Your skills, time, and passion can be the catalyst for change in a girl’s life. Together, we can create a world where every girl has the opportunity to thrive.