
Every Second Counts: Transform a Girl's Life Today

Empowering Girls, Transforming Communities

Right now, a girl is being denied her right to education, safety, and dignity. You have the power to change her story.

Our Mission

At M4C Foundation, we are dedicated to helping girls in underserved communities and orphans globally gain access to education, hygiene, and nutrition. We bring together women to break down barriers to these basic needs, fostering opportunities and a brighter future for all.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every girl, regardless of her circumstances, has the opportunity to realize her full potential. A world where education, support, and empowerment are not privileges, but rights accessible to all.

Where Your Money Goes: Direct Impact, Real Change

At M4C Foundation, we believe in boots on the ground, not just words on paper. Here’s how we’re making every dollar count:

Sakina Home

Providing 24/7 care, education, and love to orphaned girls

Ruby Campaign

Distributing sanitary supplies and breaking the taboo around menstrual health

Leadership Academy

Equipping girls with the skills to become tomorrow's leaders

AfriGirl Project

Connecting and empowering young African women across the continent

Urgent Needs: Be Part of These Critical Initiatives

Sakina Home Expansion: 100 Girls, 100 Dreams

We have the land. We have the plans. We just need you. Help us rescue 100 more girls from the streets and give them a loving home.

Emergency Education Fund: Keep Girls in School

COVID-19 has pushed many families into poverty, forcing girls to drop out of school. Help us ensure they don’t lose their chance at education.

  • Goal: $100,000
  • Girls to be supported: 1,000

Voices of Change: The Impact of Your Support

More Ways to Make a Difference

Volunteer: Be the Change

Your time and skills can directly impact girls’ lives. From mentoring to teaching, every hour you give shapes a brighter future.

Corporate Partnerships: Align Your Values with Action

Partner with us to demonstrate your commitment to global education and women’s empowerment. Together, we can create lasting change.

The Time is Now

Every moment we wait, another girl loses her chance at education, at safety, at a future. Your support today can change that. Join us in writing a new story for girls around the world.

Stay Connected

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