M4C Foundation Host First Edition of AfriGirl Conference in Accra, Ghana

May 18, 2020

M4C Foundation Host First Edition of AfriGirl Conference in Accra, Ghana

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Vestibulum ac porttitor dolor, ac feugiat nunc. Nulla eleifend massa tortor, nec laoreet lectus varius ac. Fusce scelerisque consequat eros, non venenatis turpis ultricies id. Etiam nec sagittis diam, a tempor risus. Nunc nisl felis, congue non euismod ac, dignissim id eros.



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Request Support Through the IQRA School Supplies Campaign

The IQRA School Supplies Campaign, an initiative of the M4C Foundation, is dedicated to ensuring every child has the tools they need to succeed in education. By providing essential school supplies, we aim to empower underserved children, reduce barriers to learning, and inspire a brighter future.
If your organization or community would like to request school supplies, please complete the form below. We carefully assess each request to ensure our resources reach those most in need.

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Have you collaborated with the IQRA Campaign or M4C Foundation before? If yes, please provide details. Are you open to sharing feedback or photos after distribution for accountability? Any additional comments or requests:

Request Support Through the Ruby Campaign

If your organization or community would like to request sanitary pads, please complete the form below. Accurate and detailed information will help us review your application effectively.

Organization Information
Location, Beneficiary Details, Logistics and Impact
Have you collaborated with the Ruby Campaign or M4C Foundation before? If yes, please provide details. Are you open to sharing feedback or photos after distribution for accountability? Any additional comments or requests: